The heart and soul of C.I.D.E.R. (aka Champlain Islanders Developing Essential Resources) are the one hundred plus individuals who volunteer to help their neighbors and serve their community. We need volunteers to assist with the following:
Driving older adults to essential medical appointments, grocery shopping, picking up prescriptions, and other destinations. This requires some background checks and a mileage reimbursement is available upon request.
Delivering meals to individuals who may be unable to prepare a meal and/or access food. This requires some background checks and a mileage reimbursement is available upon request.
Helping to build home-accessibility projects such as wheelchair ramps.
Volunteering for various chores off of our chore list
Stuffing or folding and labeling our monthly newsletter and other mailings.
Special events and fund-raising activities (We have a large tent that requires some muscles!)
Serving on the elected C.I.D.E.R. Board of Directors and/or various committees and ad hoc groups.
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